The Seegene Medical Foundation is a Global medical institution specializing in disease testing that provides advanced inspection services such as diagnostic tests, molecular diagnostic tests, pathological tests, and research tests to domestic and foreign medical institutions by professionals, master's doctors, and clinical pathologists.’
Based on the world's best molecular diagnostic test technology and the nation's largest inspection automation system, we established a national diagnostic test system by establishing a state-of-the-art inspection center in major metropolitan cities such as Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, and Daejeon in addition to the headquarters in Seoul, and we are expanding inspection quality and automation through smart lab operation using the latest artificial intelligence and digital technology.
For comprehensive quality management of inspection quality, we are receiving various certifications from Korea (Korea Society of Diagnostic Testing and Medicine, Korean Society of Pathology, Korean Institute of Nuclear Medicine, and Korea Institute of Electronic Testing and Evaluation) as well as from overseas (CAP, NGSP, LSP, ISO9001, etc.), and through this, we are global standardizing all processes from sample reception to result reporting.
In addition, in an effort to lead the future of disease testing, we operate four research institutes, including molecular diagnostic research institutes, immunological research institutes, mass spectrometry research institutes, and AI research institutes, focusing on innovative testing research and development.
In order to expand Korea's top-level testing capabilities to the world beyond Korea, Open Healthcare, Inc. was established in July 2023 to advance into overseas medical care and operates test centers, clinics, and examination centers in Kazakhstan, the U.S., and Vietnam, opening a new paradigm of global healthcare as an open platform that provides disease testing and treatment according to individual choice.
In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, the Seegene Medical Foundation attends medical service more than 50 times a year in Korea and abroad, and especially for the underprivileged, it practices the value of sharing by donating health centers and inviting health care officials.
In the future, the Seegene Medical Foundation will continue to strive for a healthy and happy life for mankind based on the highest professionalism and strong trust.
Thank you.