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Multiplex PCR

71313 STI 7-Types (Multiplex PCR) 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9050 STI 8-Types For females
체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9046 STI 9-Types 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
72020 STI 12-Types 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9029 STI 16-Types For
체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시

Multiplex real-time PCR

71311 STI 7-Types
(Multiplex real-time PCR)
체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9031 STI 8-Types For females
체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9034 STI 9-Types 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
A9470 STI 16-Types For
체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시
B9015 STI 20-Types 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시 체크표시

SET Test

Code No. Panels Test items
72226 Genital ulcer PCR assay HSV type 1, HSV type 2, Haemophilus ducreyi, Cytomegalovirus,
Treponema pallidum, Chlamydia trachomatis LGV, Group B Streptococcus

Prenatal Screening Test

Code No. Panels Test items Specimen
A3301 Maternal comprehensive panel Protein, ALB, BUN, Creatinine, Glucose, AST, ALT,
Cholesterol, TG, Urinalysis (16 tests), CBC (8 tests), PT,
aPTT, ABO/Rh blood type, Ab screening test,
HBsAg/HBs Ab/RPR (High quality IA), HIV Ag/Ab, Rubella
IgG, Rubella IgM, GBS
Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
Sod.citrate plasma 1.0 mL
Vaginal-rectal swab
A3302 Maternal screening panel Glucose, AST, ALT, Urinalysis (16 tests), CBC (8 tests), PT,
aPTT, ABO/Rh blood type, Ab screening test, RPR (High quality IA)
Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
Sod.citrate plasma 1.0 mL
A3303 Maternal hematology screening panel CBC (8 tests), PT, APTT, ABO/Rh blood type, Ab screening test Serum 1.0 mL,
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
Sod.citrate plasma 1.0 mL

Congenital Fetal Screening Test

* Fill out exclusive request form
Code No. Panels Test items Specimen
90027 First double marker test PAPP-A, MS-hCG, NT Serum 1.0 mL
90029 Double marker test MS-AFP, MS-hCG Serum 1.0 mL
90028 Triple marker test MS-AFP, MS-hCG, uE3 Serum 1.0 mL
90100 Quad test MS-AFP, MS-hCG, uE3, Inhibin A Serum 1.0 mL
99933 Integrated test
1st Integrated test
PAPP-A, NT Serum 1.0 mL
99934 Integrated test
2st Integrated test
AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin A Serum 1.0 mL
99935 Sequential test
1st Sequential test
PAPP-A, hCG, NT Serum 1.0 mL
99936 Sequential test
2st Sequential test
AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin A Serum 1.0 mL
A1006 Pre-eclampsia screening panel PAPP-A, PIGF Serum 1.0 mL
25000 Pre-eclampsia risk score sFlt-1/PIGF (Pre-eclampsia risk score) Serum 1.0 mL


Code No. Test Test items Specimen
90030 TORCH-IgG (HSV I) Toxoplasma IgG, Rubella IgG, CMV IgG, HSV type I IgG Serum 1.0 mL
90180 TORCH-IgG (HSV II) Toxoplasma IgG, Rubella IgG, CMV IgG, HSV type II IgG Serum 1.0 mL
90031 TORCH-IgM Toxoplasma IgM, Rubella IgM, CMV IgM, HSV IgM Serum 1.0 mL

Serologic tests for Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI)

Code No. Test Test items Specimen
90594 STI Panel 1 RPR정밀, HIV Ag/Ab Serum 1.0 mL
90595 STI Panel 2 TPLA정밀, FTA-ABS IgG, FTA-ABS IgM Serum 1.0 mL

Obstetric Complications Profile

Code No. Test Test items Specimen
71005 Chromosome Screening Test Chromosome analysis (Both parents are advised to undergo the test.)
※ Please fill out the exclusive request form.
Heparin W/B 5.0 mL
90596 Serologic panel Anti cardiolipin Ab IgG, Anti cardiolipin Ab IgM, Lupus anticoagulant Serum 1.0 mL
Sod.citrate plasma 1.0 mL
90597 Sex hormone test T3, T4, TSH, Progesterone, Prolactin Serum 1.0 mL

Tumor marker Test

Code No. Test Test items Specimen
90599 Uterine Cancer CA 125, CEA, SCC Ag, TPA Serum 1.0 mL
A0867 Ovarian Cancer CA 125, CEA, CA 72-4 Serum 1.0 mL
90601 Breast Cancer CA 15-3, CEA, TPA Serum 1.0 mL

Bone Density Test

Code No. Test Test items Specimen
90602 Bone density screening test Ca, ALP, P, Corrected Ca++ Serum 1.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL

Female Infertility Hormone Test

Code No. Test Test items Specimen
90598 Female Infertility Hormone Test E2, LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone, Progesterone Serum 1.0 mL

HPV Test

Code No. Test Specimen
72185 HPV real time PCR Cervical swab
74416 HPV real time PCR + Pap Stain

Newborn Metabolic Screening Test

Code No. Test Specimen
05566 Newborn Screening Expanded Panel Blood spot card
05561 Screening Test for Lysosomal Storage Disorders
Code No. Test Test items Specimen
A3573 Routine blood Test (45 tests) Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, B/C ratio,
T.Bilirubin, AST, ALT, γ-GTP, Glucose, ALP,
Cholesterol, TG, Uric acid, CBC 8종, ABO, Rh, HBsAg,
HBs Ab, Urinalysis (16 tests), RPR(High quality IA)
Serum 2.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
90612 Liver Function Test Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G ratio, T. Bilirubin,
D. Bilirubin, AST, ALT, γ-GTP, LDH, ALP, Cholesterol
Serum 2.0 mL
90613 Renal Function Test BUN, Creatinine, Ca, Pi, CCr, Albumin, Uric acid, Glucose, Urine 16종 Serum 2.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
24'hr Urine 10.0 mL
90614 Thyroid Function Test 기능검사 T3, T4, TSH, FT4 Serum 1.0 mL
90615 BHepatitis B HBsAg, HBs Ab, HBeAg, HBe Ab, Anti-HBc total, HBc IgM Serum 2.0 mL
90616 Myocardial Infarction CPK, CK-MB, Myoglobin, LDH, LDH Isoenzyme, CRP, AST Serum 2.0 mL
90617 Iron deficiency anemia Fe, TIBC, UIBC, Ferritin, CBC (8 tests) Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
90618 Hemolytic anemia Haptoglobin, Coombs' direct, Coombs' indirect,
Transferrin, CBC (8 tests), Reticulocyte Count
Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
90619 Pernicious anemia Vit B12, Folate, CBC 8 tests, Reticulocyte count Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 3.0 mL
90620 Coagulation Test PT, aPTT Sod.Citrate 1.0 mL
90622 Diabetes Mellitus Glucose (FBS), Glucose (PP2), Hb A1c, Urine (16 tests),
Fructosamine, Insulin, C-Peptide
NaF Plasma (FBS) 1.0 mL
NaF Plasma (PP2) 1.0 mL
Serum 1.0 mL
EDTA W/B 2.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
92388 Obesity BUN, Creatinine, Uric acid, AST, ALT, Cholesterol, TG,
Urine (16 tests), TSH
Serum 2.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
90623 Pancreatic disease Amylase, Lipase Serum 1.0 mL
90624 Gastritis H.pylori Ab IgG, H.pylori Ab IgM Serum 1.0 mL
90625 Gouts Uric acid, ALP, RF, Ca, Pi Serum 1.0 mL
90626 Hyperlipidemia Cholesterol, TG, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol,
Glucose, LP(a), Apolipo-A1/B
Serum 2.0 mL
90602 Bone Density Screening Test Ca, ALP, Pi, Corrected Ca Serum 1.0 mL
Random Urine 10.0 mL
90605 Hepatic cancer AFP, CEA, TPA Serum 1.0 mL
90606 Gastric cancer CA 72-4, CEA, TPA Serum 1.0 mL
A0865 Pancreatic cancer CA 19-9, CEA, CA 72-4 Serum 1.0 mL
90608 GB/Biliary tract cancer CA 19-9, TPA, Ferritin Serum 1.0 mL
A0873 Colorectal cancer CEA, TPA, CA 72-4 Serum 1.0 mL
90610 Prostrate cancer PSA, PAP, CEA Serum 1.0 mL
90599 Uterine cancer CA 125, CEA, SCC Ag, TPA Serum 1.0 mL
A0867 Ovarian cancer CA 125, CEA, CA 72-4 Serum 1.0 mL
90601 Breast cancer CA 15-3, CEA, TPA Serum 1.0 mL

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