- Laboratory Medicine Center
- Diagnostic Immunology Center
- Molecular Diagnosis Center
- Pathology Center
- Life & Environmental Science Center
Laboratory Medicine Center
Seegene Medical Foundation Central Laboratory conducts comprehensive testing across all fields, grounded in the highest level of expertise.
Laboratory Medicine Center provides quick and accurate test results
with a state-of-the-art total laboratory automation (TLA) system and a 24-hour laboratory.
with a state-of-the-art total laboratory automation (TLA) system and a 24-hour laboratory.
Implementation of the total laboratory automation (TLA) system02
Runs laboratory 24/7/365.03
Emergency testing available for all test items04
Ensures sample stability through real-time sample transportation.Test areas
Clinical chemistry
Clinical chemistry involves the analysis of serum and body fluids using chemical methods, and it is utilized for the diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases. Liver function tests, Lipid tests, Renal function tests, Diabetes test, Urine chemistry tests, etc.
Clinical hematology
Clinical hematology involves observing increases, decreases, and morphological changes in blood cells, serving as a fundamental and essential test for diagnosing hematological disorders. Complete blood cell count tests, Coagulation tests, Blood Bank tests, Body fluid tests, etc.
Clinical microbiology involves isolating and identifying the causative pathogens from specimens collected from patients with microbial infections, performing antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and reporting the results. Gram stain, Bacteria culture & identification, Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture, Fungus culture, Virus culture, Parasite identification, etc.
Radioimmunology utilizes radioisotope-labeled antigens and antibodies in nuclear diagnostic methods to perform various endocrine diagnostic tests. Pituitary hormone tests, Tumor markers tests, Adrenocortical function tests, etc.
Diagnostic Immunology Center
Seegene Medical Foundation Central Laboratory conducts comprehensive testing across all fields, grounded in the highest level of expertise.
Diagnostic Immunology Center carries out tests of latent tuberculosis and autoimmune
diseases by assessing immunity functions based on diagnostic immunology.
diseases by assessing immunity functions based on diagnostic immunology.
Investigating diagnostic values to provide better immunological assays through a total laboratory automation (TLA) system and special immunological methods02
Specialized in autoimmune assays: autoantibody tests with various cell lines03
Specialized in latent tuberculosis assays and antibodies assays for infectious diseases04
Conducted by well-trained manpowerTest areas
Immunology conducts diagnostic tests using antigen-antibody reactions with minimal sample volumes, and most tests are completed through a total laboratory automation (TLA) system. Tumor markers(CEA, CA19-9, CA125, CA72-4, PSA, HE4, ROMA), Hepatitis Virus, Serologic tests for infectious disease, Virus antigens/antibodies, Thyroid/Parathyroid function test, Bone metabolism, etc.
Special Immunology
Special Immunology performs various diagnostic tests, including those for infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and latent tuberculosis, by analyzing specific antigen-antibody reactions in blood or body fluids. Autoimmune Diseases test, Congenital Anomaly test, Latent tuberculosis (Quanti FERON-TB, T.SPOT TB), MAST Allergy Screening (118 allergens), Specific IgE (160 allergens), Pre-eclampsia test, Flow cytometry, etc.
Molecular Diagnosis Center
Seegene Medical Foundation Central Laboratory conducts comprehensive testing across all fields, grounded in the highest level of expertise.
Molecular Diagnosis Center diagnoses various diseases using molecular biological technologies
(realtime PCR, sequencing, etc.).
(realtime PCR, sequencing, etc.).
Delivering results within 24 hours after a test (ONE DAY system)02
Conducting panel tests using Seegene’s globally renowned multiplex real-time PCR technology03
Possessing the largest molecular diagnosis testing capacity in Korea04
Contributing to national quarantine efforts by conducting the highest number of COVID-19 tests in KoreaTest areas
Molecular Microbiology
Molecular Microbiology operates a ONE DAY system that delivers results within a day using the latest molecular diagnostic automation system and conducts specialized molecular diagnostic panel tests. CMV · EBV · HBV · HCV (PCR Qualitative and Quantitative), HPV Genotyping · Influenza A&B Virus · MERS-CoV · MTB · STI · Zika Virus (PCR & Real-time PCR), Acute gastrointestinal pathogen PCR panel (Bacteria/Virus), H. pylori PCR (including Clarithromycin resistance), Respiratory Virus PCR panel (including SARS-CoV-2), Respiratory Pathogen PCR Panel (Bacteria/Virus)
Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics conducts various genetic tests for hereditary diseases, cancer-related genes, and therapeutic selection, ensuring high-quality results through the implementation of rigorously evaluated testing processes. Congenital Genetic Disorders, Oncogenes, Drug Metabolism, Histocompatibility
Cytogenetics provides high-quality cytogenetic test results, including blood tumor FISH panel tests, utilizing state-of-the-art automated karyotype analysis systems. Chromosome Test, FISH Test, Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA)
Pathology Center
Seegene Medical Foundation Central Laboratory conducts comprehensive testing across all fields, grounded in the highest level of expertise.
Pathology Center introduces advanced services by implementing state-of-the-art
systems and incorporates the latest technologies in pathologic examination.
systems and incorporates the latest technologies in pathologic examination.
[SeeDP] Operation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted daily quality control (QC)02
[AI] Operating automatic result input system by speech recognition technology for histopathology03
[Designated Pathologist] Pathologist assigned to the requesting institution for slide interpretation.04
[Quality Control] Participation in proficiency testing of the College of American Pathologists (CAP), Certification by the Korean Society of Pathologists (KSP)Test areas
Histopathology (Surgical Pathology)
Histopathology (Surgical Pathology) performs pathological diagnoses using tissues obtained by resection or biopsy from patients. Operation of SeeDP system : Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted daily QC Gross examination, microscopic examination, and special stainings
Cytopathology examines cells or body fluids collected from suspected cancer sites, analyzing stained cell nuclei and cytoplasm to determine the presence of cancer cells. Exfoliative cytology (pap smear, sputum, urine and body fluid)
Fine needle aspiration cytology : FNAB, FNAC (thyroid, breast, salivary glands, lymph nodes, lung and chest, liver and abdomen)
Immunopathology uses antigen-antibody reaction to analyze cellular protein expression patterns, and enables more accurate diagnosis and helps determine a treatment plan and estimating prognosis. IHC (Immunohistochemical) Stain (167 antibodies, PD-L1, etc.)
Molecular pathology
Molecular pathology extracts nucleic acids from tissues and cells of the pathological lesion and analyzes molecular changes at the gene level. NGS (next-generation sequencing) Solid tumor NGS panel (TSO 500) FISH (Her-2, c-myc, ALK(2p23), ROS1(6q22), MDM2, BCL6(3q27.3), IGH::BCL2, DDIT3(12q13.3), 1p19q deletion)
Life & Environmental Science Center
Seegene Medical Foundation Central Laboratory conducts comprehensive testing across all fields, grounded in the highest level of expertise.
Life & Environmental Science Center conducts diagnostic and analytical research and development
in the field of bio-environmental science for metabolomics analysis and special medical diagnostic
tests in line with the trend of precision medicine.
in the field of bio-environmental science for metabolomics analysis and special medical diagnostic
tests in line with the trend of precision medicine.
Conducting inspections using advanced analytical equipment (HPLC, LC-MS/MS, ICP-MS, FT-IR, GC & GC-MS, etc.)02
Advanced special inspection system through participation in domestic and international quality control programs (CAP, LAMP, EQUIP, G-EQUAS, EQAS etc.)03
Establishment of the best clinical examination and mass spectrometry system with the best facilities and professional personnelTest areas
Metabolomic analysis
Metabolomic analysis examines various metabolite levels and metabolic activities within the body, contributing to disease diagnosis and health management. Newborn screening tests, Lysosomal storage disease screening tests, Catecholamines and related neurotransmitters assays, Vitamins assays, Therapeutic drug monitoring, Drugs of abuse tests
Trace elements analysis
Tarace elements analysis measures the levels of inorganic elements and compounds in various samples within the fields of life sciences and environmental health, supporting health assessments and environmental quality monitoring. Analysis of hazardous heavy metals and trace elements in bio-samples, Dialysis fluid analysis, Water silicate tests
Industrial hygiene analysis
Industrial hygiene analysis examines biological exposure markers in workers engaged in tasks involving hazardous agents, analyzes and evaluates harmful workplace environments, and suggests improvements. Biological exposure monitoring in the workplace, Environmental exposure measurement and sample analysis, Occupational hygiene consultation