Central Laboratory
Diagnostic Laboratory Center
: Performs diagnosis, analysis and R&D in life and environmental science
Clinical Chemistry Liver function tests, Lipid tests, Renal function tests, Diabetes test, Urine chemistry tests, etc. Equipment |
Hematology Complete blood cell count tests, Coagulation tests, Blood Bank tests, etc. Equipment |
Microbiology Gram stain, Bacteria culture & identification, Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture,Fungus culture, Virus culture, Parasite, etc. Equipment |
Radioimmunology Pituitary hormone tests, Tumor markers tests, Adrenocortical function tests, etc. Equipment |
Life & Environmental Science Center
: Performs diagnosis, analysis and R&D in life and
Industrial hygiene analysis • Biological exposure monitoring in the workplace, • Environmental exposure measurement and sample • analysis, Occupational hygiene consultation Equipment |
Metabolomic analysis / Trace elements analysis • [Metabolomic analysis]Newborn screening tests, Lysosomal storage disease screening tests, Catecholamines and related neurotransmitters assays, Vitamins assays, Drug concentration and&therapeutic drug monitoring assays • [Trace elements analysis] Analysis of hazardous heavy metals and trace elements in bio-samples, Dialysis fluid analysis, Water silicate tests, Biological exposure monitoring in the workplace (heavy metals) Equipment |
Molecular Diagnosis Center
: Diagnoses various diseases using molecular biological technologies (realtime PCR, sequencing, NGS, etc.), and
Molecular Microbiology COVID-19 tests, MERS-CoV PCR tests, Zika virus PCR tests,Pneumonia bacteria and respiratory virus tests, Helicobacter pylori (including Clarithromycin resistance) tests, diarrhea bacteria and virus PCR tests, MTB real-time PCR tests, STI multiplex real-time PCR tests, HPV genotype real-time PCR tests, Influenza A&B virus PCR tests, CMV real-time PCR tests, EBV real-time PCR tests, HBV PCR tests, HCV PCR tests, etc. Equipment |
Molecular Genetics : Performs genetic testing for the selection of medicine related to various genetic diseases and cancer,and provides high-quality test results by thorough evaluation. Genetic disease tests, prenatal genetic tests and genetic tests for infants, cancer gene tests, pharmacogenetic tests, DNA identification tests, etc. Equipment |
Cytogenetics : Provides high-quality cytogenetic test results such as blood tumor FISH Panel tests,based on the state-of-the-art automated karyotype analysis system. Prenatal chromosome tests, congenital chromosome tests, Hematologic tumor chromosome tests, prenatal FISH test, hematologic tumor FISH test, tissue FISH test, etc. Chromosomal Microarray Analysis, CMA Equipment |
Molecular diagnostics research : Develops new tests and conducts clinical research to standardize the diagnostic algorithm for various diseases. [Clinical research]• Conducts clinical researches for the standardization of the algorithm for diagnosis of genes and bacteria that cause various diseases • Performs clinical research on in vitro medical devices • Conducts cooperative researches with leading research institutions and hospitals at domestic and abroad [R&D] • Develops reagents for new tests based on trained manpower and patented technology in molecular diagnosis • Develops reagents for treating genetic diseases and infectious diseases • Strict quality control of diagnostic reagents based on standardized production and QC process |
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) : Diagnoses genetic diseases and evaluates prognosis with Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). It can quickly report a large amount of genetic information by amplifying and analyzing a large number of nucleotide sequences at the same time. Hereditary disorder panel, metagenomics analysis,whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) analysis Equipment |
Diagnostic Immunology Center
: Investigates diagnostic values to provide better immunological assays through
Immunology : Conducts automated immunological tests through a state-of-the-art TLA system Cardiovascular disease, Hormone, Drug,Bone metabolism, Tumor markers tests, etc. Equipment |
Special lmmunology : Specialized in • Autoimmune assays: autoantibody tests with various cell lines such as AIT, ANA, ANCA,FTA-ABS, Islet cell and LKM, etc. • Latent tuberculosis assays: T-SPOT.TB & QuantiFERON-TB tests • Antibodies assays for infectious diseases including COVID-19 • Cellular immunological assays: Flow cytometry, ELISpot test, PBMCs separation and storage Prenatal screening, autoantibodies, latent tuberculosis, Immunoglobulin, flow cytometry, allergy tests, etc. Equipment |
Pathology Center
: Provides pathological services using latest advances in pathology.
Surgical pathology : Pathological diagnosis of tissues obtained by resection or biopsy Gross examination, microscopic examination,special stainings, and immunohistochemistry Equipment |
Cytopathology Exfoliative cytology (pap smear, sputum, urine and body fluid) and fine needle aspirationcytology : FNAB, FNAC (thyroid, breast, salivary glands, lymph nodes, lung and chest, liver and abdomen) Equipment |
Immunopathology : Uses antigen-antibody reaction to analyze cellular protein expression patterns: Enables more accurate diagnosis, determining a treatment plan and estimating prognosis More than 60 antibodies (PD-L1, etc.) Equipment |
Molecular pathology : Extracts nucleic acids from tissues and cells from the pathological lesion and analyzes molecular changes at the gene level FISH (Her-2, c-myc, ALK gene rearrangement, ROS1 gene rearrangement) |
특수건강진단 실시대상
직업성 질환의 발생 원인이 되는 유해인자 181종에 노출되는 업무에 종사하는 근로자특수건강진단 대상 유해인자
작업환경 측정 및 MSDS 자료를 바탕으로 한 유기화합물 109종 | 금속류 20종 | 산 및 알칼리류 8종 |
가스상태 물질류 14종 | 허가대상물질 12종 | 금속가공유 |
분진 7종 | 물리적 인자(소음, 진동 등) 8종 | 야간작업 2종 |
특수건강진단 종류
[구분] | [진단시기] | [진단대상자] |
배치전건강진단 | 특수건강진단 유해인자에 노출되는 업무에 배치되기 전 | 대상업무 배치 예정자 |
특수건강진단 | 작업 중 노출되는 유해인자에 따른 기본주기 | 대상 유해인자에 노출된 근로자 |
수시건강진단 | 특수건강진단 시기 외에 작업관련 증상을 호소할 때 | 천식, 피부질환, 기타 건강장애 증상 호소자 |
임시건강진단 | 같은 유해인자에 노출되는 근로자에게 유사항 질병의자각, 타각증상이 발생하거나 직업병 유소견자가 다수 발생하는 경우 |
동일부서 근로자 |
예약시필요서류 (※ 사전 전화예약 필수)
사업자등록증 | 비용지원통보서 (비용지원 사업장에 해당) |
검진의뢰서 (사업장정보, 검진대상자 성명, 부서 등) | 전년도 특수건강진단 결과표 및 사후관리 소견서 |
최근 2회분 작업환경측정서 (필요에 따라 MSDS 포함) | 야간작업 근무시간표 (야간작업 근로자에 해당) 등 |
[구분] | [담당업무] | [직종] | [직책] | [연락처] |
곽우석 | 총괄,문진,이학적검사,판정 | 직업환경의학전문의 | 부서장 | 02-2218-9357 |
양대율 | 행정업무(사전조사),흉부촬영 | 방사선사 | 팀장 | 02-2218-9357 |
백진주 | 행정업무(결과처리),폐활량&청력검사 | 간호사 | - | 02-2218-9198 |
김상화 | 행정업무(결과처리),폐활량검사 | 간호사 | - | 02-2218-9196 |
신윤정 | 행정업무(결과처리) | 간호사 | - | 02-2218-9197 |
황보기량 | 채혈,검체관리 | 임상병리사 | - | 02-2218-9198 |
김희선 | 채혈,검체관리 | 임상병리사 | - | 02-2218-9198 |
최현준 | 분석(무기/유기) | 분석사 | - | 02-2218-9197 |
장지원 | 분석(무기/유기) | 산업위생관리기사 | - | 02-2218-9196 |